That’s a Lot of Food

Today, I fed all the animals at the Wildlife Rescue by myself, for the first time ever. (Usually there are at least two, sometimes three of us). I don’t usually feed on Saturdays, but today I was filling in for someone who had surgery earlier in the week. I fed 56 animals today (well, 57 including Gizmo, whom I fed at home before I left this morning :D).

There were some new arrivals this week, including a turkey vulture and a river otter. I have to fess up to making the vulture throw up. That’s what he did when I entered the enclosure. It’s a typical defense strategy, although I’d never seen a bird do it before. Poor guy. At least I brought him new food to replace what he lost. and I didn’t actually feed the river otter  -she’s still being bottle fed).

I also filled a lot of waterbowls and picked up a lot of poo. (Wow, mountain lion poo is pretty disgusting. I didn’t really mind picking it up, though, which is a sign that I really love those animals). 😀 It took me five hours, and left me with a very satisfied feeling at the end of the day. 🙂

I think I am entitled to put “gourmet chef” on my CV now. I know I left all of my little diners with happily full tummies today!

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